Be’er Sheva is Israel’s fourth-most populated city located in the south near the Negev Desert. The city is a mix of Sephardi, Mizrahi, and Ashkenazi families as well as diverse population of Jews from India, Russia, Ethiopia and now the United States. The game of chess is very popular in Be’er Sheva so much that it’s become Israel’s national chess center, with more chess grandmasters per capita than any other city in the world. Be’er Sheva is also home to Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. This city also serves as a center for Israel’s high-tech and developing technology industry. There is a lot of new construction, schools, shuls of all kinds, modern shopping centers, and walking paths, with low cost housing options.


Considered the capital of Gush Etzion, it had a population of 10,806 in 2019. Modern Efrat was established in 1983 by Moshe Moskovits, who became the first mayor of Efrat and Shlomo Riskin, an Orthodox rabbi from New York City who settled in Efrat and became its Chief rabbi.
Efrat’s population are mainly religious Zionist, with a small number of ultra-orthodox and of non-observant residents. There are more than twenty Orthodox synagogues, mainly Ashkenazi, but a Sephardi and a Yemenite synagogue also exist and there are several Yeshivot, and Kollelim. The population includes native-born Israelis, and immigrants who have made aliyah from the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, France, South Africa, Argentina, The Netherlands, Canada, and Russia.
Efrat is made up of seven neighborhoods named for the Seven Species: Rimon (pomegranate), Te’ena (fig), Gefen (grapevine), Dekel (date palm), Zayit (olive), Tamar (date), and Dagan (grain – symbolizing both wheat and barley).

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Tzfat is not only one of Israel’s holiest cities, it is also the highest city in the Holy Land. Set in the dense pine forests of the Upper Galilee, overlooking Tiberias and the Sea of Galilee, Tzfat is a delicious blend of ancient grandeur and modern-day resort. For thousands of years, the ancient city of Safed was conquered and reconquered – always changing hands. Said to have been founded by one of Noah’s sons after the Great Flood, the city was inhabited by the local Semetic populations throughout the years. Josephus mentions Tzfat as Sepph, a fortified Jewish town in the Upper Galilee. Today, after years of conflict ranging from the Crusaders to the Mamlukes to the British, Tzfat survives – as pretty, vibrant and mystical as ever!

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The city of Karmiel lies on the road between Acre and Safed, in the Beit Hakerem Valley. To its north are the mountains of the Upper Galilee and to the south the mountains of the Lower Galilee. The city is 35 kilometers from Tiberias, 22 kilometers from Acre and 45 kilometers from Haifa, and covers an area of ​​about 24,000 dunams. Karmiel is 250 meters above sea level and is located in the heart of a spectacular and captivating landscape. Today, the city numbers about 50,000 people, who constitute 15,000 households. According to the outline plan, Karmiel will be home to about 120,000 residents in the future. The city gradually developed, in accordance with its master plan: the founders’ neighborhood was built in the years 1964-1978, the southern neighborhood – 1970-1978, the western neighborhood – 1980-1983, the Galilee neighborhood – 1992-1995, Sagi neighborhood – 1990-1993 Givat Ram – From 1991 to 1998, Ramat Rabin was founded in 1996, the neighborhoods of B’ne Beitcha, Giv’at Makush and the Irises -in the years 1984-1998. These days we started breaking ground to the new neighborhood on Mount Karmi, the Rehav’ham neighborhood. The structure of the city is special and modern, and there are constant activities to nurture and keep it clean. The city residents enjoy a high level of services. In Karmiel there is a complete separation between the residential and industrial areas. Each neighborhood operates a separate system of services, which include: nurseries for infants, kindergartens, schools, synagogues, educational institutions and more. This structure ensures the tranquility of the residents and pedestrians in the various neighborhoods. Construction in Karmiel is modern and diverse. The city has about 1700 dunams of intensive gardening (high level gardening) in about 70 parks. Lawns, tree boulevards, playground and sports facilities. The city also has spacious parking lots, wide roads and good lighting. populationKarmiel today numbers about 50,000 people, which are about 15,000 households. The average age in Karmiel is 39, which indicates a relatively young population.Since the beginning of the 1990s Karmiel has absorbed 20,000 immigrants, most of them from the former Soviet Union. At the same time, in similar numbers, residents from various parts of the country have also been absorbed; families who come to Karmiel to improve their quality of life. Many members of the “founding generation” live in Karmiel, which teaches about Deep roots and a love of the place. About 60% of Karmiel residents are veteran Israelis. About 40% of the city’s residents are immigrants from 75 different countries around the world.

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Harish is located on green hills close to the Iron interchange on Highway 6, at a height of 110 meters above sea level, and a driving distance of 10 minutes from Pardes Hanna-Karkur.
The city’s origin is in Kibbutz Harish, established in the ’80s and abandoned in the early ’90s .After the kibbutz’ evacuation, the Ministry of Construction and Housing laid down preliminary infrastructure for the development of the city of Harish. Additionally, as part of the plan to unify local authorities, a unified local council was established for the communities of Katzir and Harish, despite the relatively large distance between them.
In recent years, especially after the paving of Highway 6, the region saw a significant increase in the demand for housing among young couples and families, who found a home in the surrounding kibbutzim and the various communities in the Pardes Hanna-Karkur area. Harish’s proximity to Highway 6, its location in the heart of the green Iron hills that enjoy continuous air flow and low humidity levels relative to the coastal plain, created renewed interest in the town’s development.
On September 01, 2016, with the establishment of four primary schools and 20 kindergartens and day care centers, the first year of studies opened in Harish. On September 2018, more than 2,600 children attended the city’s 4 schools and 42 kindergartens. Secondary schools, as well as other schools and kindergartens are expected to open later, following the pace of population growth.
During 2017, the main commercial avenue opened (Derech Eretz Ave.) which today includes a supermarket, a variety of shops, sick fund branches, fast food, cafés and more. During 2021, the number of citizens living in Harish reached 25,000.
As a new city, Harish has become an exceptional solution in Israel for young couples and families looking for quality housing at affordable prices, in close proximity and with accessibility to the center of the country.

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Ramot Bet

In addition to being one of the biggest neighborhoods in Jerusalem, Ramot (Hebrew for “heights”) is also one of the most diverse. The six sections of Ramot differ wildly from one another, just as the 40,000 people who live there come from a wide variety of backgrounds. What they share is the panoramic view, because Ramot was built hundreds of meters above sea level. Ramot is one of the newer Jerusalem neighborhoods, as construction first began in the 1970s. The different sections of Ramot were built by different architects and for differing purposes. Ramot Aleph (or Ramot One) was built for families of moderate income. The result is an area of attached, tiered apartment buildings, which together resemble a giant beehive.
Residents of these apartments tend to be Orthodox Jews with large families, even though the apartments themselves are not that big. In sharp contrast, Ramot Bet (Ramot Two) boasts rows of spacious private homes. Living in a private house, and in particular an unattached house, is a luxury in Jerusalem, where the majority of people live in apartments.
Ramot Bet is therefore known as a prosperous neighborhood, populated mainly with a mix of Modern Orthodox and secular Jews. Many English-speaking immigrants choose to live in Ramot Bet, since the lifestyle is similar to that which they left behind. The remaining four neighborhoods of Ramot present variations of the spectrum between these two extremes.
Ramot Six, for example, is comprised of private homes, but most of these are attached and not as large as the houses in Ramot Bet.

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Kiriyat Hasharon

Kiyrat Hasharon is a new and very pleasant neighborhood to live in, part of the City Hall of Netanya. It has only been around for a little over fifteen years. A few years ago almost no one knew of its existence. It had to be said that you lived next to the Academy this academy frequently receives French speakers. For example: Alain Finkielkraut the famous philosopher who no longer needs to be presented. It also has a section for French and English speaking students. Today, having developed strongly, this district has become very popular. It is located 5 to 8 minutes from the beach and the Hastmaout kikar by car and 30 minutes on foot. A train station is also accessible on foot which is important if one has to work in Tel Aviv in Ramat Gan or even in Haifa. The many advantages of Kiryat Hasharonis that living in a quiet area where children can play outside without problems while having all means of transport and sports nearby. But there are many others. The prices of rents or apartments are lower both at the seaside and in Netanya center.

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